The eleventh entry in the Jack Reacher series opens with a man being thrown out of a helicopter three thousand feet over the California desert. Shortly thereafter, Jack Reacher receives a rather innovative call for help from Frances Neagley, who was once a member of an elite Army team headed by Reacher. The eight-member team was very skilled and very close, but they gradually lost touch as they all left the military and transitioned into civilian life.
Post-Army, most of the team members have become private investigators or have joined security teams of one kind or another. But now one of them is dead and several others are missing. Reacher and Neagley team up in an attempt to locate the rest of the team and to discover what kind of trouble they might have gotten into. One thing is for sure, though, nobody messes with Reacher's team without paying a very high price.
The hunt will take the surviving members of the team from California to Las Vegas and back and will pull them deep into a terrorist conspiracy that has severely compromised national security. Reacher is in fine form and it's fun to see him working with the rest of this team. The conspiracy unfolds very slowly at first and then explodes into a major crisis in which Reacher will have to make some very tough choices. All in all, another very satisfying page-turner in a great series.
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